Game Over Online ~ Saints Row 2 Preview

Saints Row 2 Preview

Published: Monday, September 15th, 2008 at 03:17 PM
Written By: Russell Garbutt

THQ recently invited us to spend a day touring the newly redesigned city of Stillwater, with a view toward showing off all of the city’s improvements. From what we were able to experience during the eight hours of hands-on quality time with the game, it looks like Saints Row 2 promises to be every bit as exciting as the original, with all of the quirky cartoony carnage and satire you can fire a rocket launcher at.

From the outset, it becomes apparent that Volition has addressed the few concerns players had with the first game. Players can now design their own character from a far more extensive set of creation tools. You can choose to be either male or female and then delve into the elaborate details offered for your character. Voice, facial expressions, body types, clothes, head shape (reminiscent of the character creation system from Fight Night Round 3 or Oblivion), skin color and many more options are available and configurable through an easy to use system of sliders and menus.

The funny part of all of this is that players are actually in control of the character from the first game. During the storyline when characters from the original come into play they stare at you puzzled, and often ask if you have changed your hair “or something.” It’s this kind of self-referential humor that gives the game’s storyline some levity in the midst of all of the heavy, violent themes throughout the title.

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Speaking of the storyline, players pick up a short while after the events of the original game. Their character wakes in a prison hospital bed, having been in a coma of sorts since the climactic battle of the first game. After an elaborate prison break, it is learned that much has changed in the city, and the Saints are no more. Several other gangs have sprung up to fill the void, and players will find themselves literally having to start over from scratch.

All of the GTA inspired gameplay is present and plentiful here, including the various ways Volition had tightened up the controls and aiming mechanics. One hilarious addition to the “human shield” aspect of the gameplay gives players the ability to use people as a weapon by picking them up and throwing them into opponents. This feature can also be used in imaginative ways for darkly comedic results.

It was also very obvious early on in the game that the developers have made a considerable effort getting the in-vehicle radio stations to offer some compelling and appropriate music. So often it seems that all of the other titles in this genre and even Rockstar Games (the creators of the GTA series and the sandbox genre in general) have dropped the ball in this regard, but it was good to see one title strive to get it right. Players are likely to be quite surprised with the offerings when the game is released.

The real highlight of our extensive play session was the two-player co-op mode. Two players can go through the entire single player campaign together, facing a ramped up difficulty and mayhem level. All of the missions and achievements from the single player game can be obtained with a friend in this mode, and neither player is “joined at the hip” for any length of time. You can be on the entire opposite end of the city than your partner, which opens up some really fascinating strategic options for some of the missions later in the game. A really interesting feature in this mode begins if both of you suddenly become annoyed with each other and focus all of your anger at your partner. A screen pops up asking if you would like to enter what amounts to a “stand off” mode, and the two of you can “go at it” until one of you is declared the winner (by killing the other). This mode is sure to silence those all-too-common online disputes over who was the one that screwed up the mission.

The version we played was 90% complete, and seemed to be free of any irritating bugs. The graphics were as strong as the last title, with a whole mess of extra detail laid on top of it. The gameplay in general is still the GTAIII inspired city mayhem from a gang-life angle, and this sequel seems to be amped up in speed as well. Players should ready themselves for more mayhem when the title streets on October 14th, 2008.

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